Advisory Services Provided

The firm provides a wide range of consulting services. Here are some of the services provided :

  1. Project identification
  2. Project evaluation
  3. Feasibility studies
  4. Project development
  1. Topographic and ground surveys
  2. Geotechnical surveys
  3. Hydrological surveys
  4. Traffic surveys
  1. Feasibility studies
  2. Transportation studies
  3. Financial and economic studies
  4. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) studies
  5. Rehabilitation
  1. Masters plans
  2. Cost planning
  3. Preliminary conception
  4. Evaluation
  5. Tender documents and tender procedure
  1. Project management (technical and financial)
  2. Construction supervision
  3. Testing and commissioning
  4. Project maintenance

The firm has been called upon to provide staff to arbitrate, adjudicate or mediate in civil engineering and construction work disputes as arbitrators, arbitrators, expert witnesses, conciliators, arbitrators, mediators etc.

Work Control And Surveillance

Control Of Costs, Times And Quality

Throughout its works control and supervision missions, IDCG represents the prime contractor permanently on the site, supervises and controls the execution of the works, supervises and controls the application of environmental protection measures. IDCG guarantees the Client the control of costs and deadlines, as well as the identification, evaluation and proposal of preventive measures to give our customers all the capacity to meet the objectives set for the operation, whatever the hazards. 

Examination of compliance with the project and visa of the execution studies (VISA)

Direction of the execution of the works contract (DET)

Scheduling, Piloting and Control (OPC)

Assistance with Reception Operations (AOR) and during the warranty period. 

Complete Project Management

When our clients entrust us with complete missions ranging from general design to acceptance of works, including assistance in contracting with builders, IDCG deploys all its expertise in all areas of construction. The responsibility of project manager is a responsibility of participating in the act of building that IDCG Africa is perfectly able to assume.

IDCG’s commitment in Africa is to provide its client with a permanent duty of advice, throughout the studies and works. In its full project management missions, from the general design, IDCG commits to delivery dates and budgets. The IDCG project management teams in Africa follow the projects throughout their development, guaranteeing the memory of the operation and feel personally committed to the objectives of the project.

Water is a common good of humanity that has become scarce and precious. With more than 60 years of experience in the water sector, IDCG responds to the fundamental challenges of our planet.

IDCG works, in Africa and around the world, on behalf of the main French and international clients and large private accounts on the issues of:

  • access to drinking water and sanitation for all;
  • prevention of water-related risks;
  • preservation of water resources and aquatic environments, prevention of permanent and accidental pollution;
  • the sustainable development of water-related activities (industry, leisure, transport, etc.);
  • ensuring agro-food production with limited impacts on the environment and resources.

IDCG offers services ranging from consulting, through general studies, to full project management.

  • IDCG delivers opinions or recommendations to institutions in matters of policy, planning, organization, regulation, training, financing, setting up concessions and Public-Private Partnerships (PPP).
  • IDCG also specializes in general studies: upstream project studies, environmental and economic impact studies, plan and program assessment and development of master plans.
  • Finally, IDCG supports its clients in all project management services, from the design of the structure to the completion and acceptance of the works: feasibility studies, assistance with the award of works contracts, approval of plans. execution, monitoring of works, assistance in reception of works.

The interventions of IDCG experts are consistent with a sustainable development policy, proposing a balanced management of the resource with:

  • environmental objectives: achieving “good condition”, reducing pollution, preserving wetlands,
  • social objectives: access to water for all and the association of all stakeholders in the definition of water policy and planning
  • economic objectives: the development of economic uses of water while respecting the good condition of the resource

Access to drinking water is a fundamental right and a major issue for sustainable development. IDCG supports its clients in finding sustainable solutions to the problems of water supply, storage, treatment and distribution in Africa.

For more than 20 years, IDCG experts have assisted decision-makers in:

  • the design and diagnosis of water supply systems
  • identification and validation of surface or underground water resources
  • assessment of water demand for the implementation of investment programs
  • the development of master plans for drinking water supply systems
  • design studies, execution projects and preparation of tender documents
  • works control
  • management of municipal or private water networks
  • leak detection and reduction of water loss 


Wastewater treatment is a public health issue. IDCG supports its clients in finding sustainable solutions to the problems of collecting, storing and treating wastewater in Africa and around the world.

For more than 20 years, IDCG experts have assisted decision-makers in:

  • the development of Wastewater Sanitation Master Plans
  • the implementation of individual, semi-collective or collective sanitation programs
  • diagnosis of networks and wastewater treatment plants management, recovery and disposal studies of wastewater treatment plant sludge
  • construction of lagoon treatment systems
  • the preparation of execution files for the rehabilitation of existing wastewater treatment plants
  • the design and sizing of new wastewater treatment plants and the preparation of calls for tenders (“Design and Build” procedure or traditional procedure)
  • construction of networks and new wastewater treatment plants
  • commissioning and operation of treatment plants
  • Small Community/Rural Wastewater Treatment

  and Pond System

  • Permit Applications
  • Wastewater and Effluent Pumpstations
  • Small and large pumpstations with low and high pumping heads,

including all mechanical, electrical and control equipment

  • Trunk Sewers:
  • Trunk sewer designs and route locations including upgrades and


  • Authorizations:
    • EIA’s and discharge permits
    • Water Use License Applications
  • Sanitation Master Plans:
    • District Municipalities
    • Local Municipalities
    • Private Developers

IDCG has been involved in projects ranging from feasibility studies and consulting

services to engineering and project management of large wastewater infrastructure projects for

the company’s international client base, which stretches across Southern, Eastern and Central Africa.

These cover the full spectrum of wastewater sector projects including wastewater and effluent

treatment, pumpstations and pipelines, wastewater reticulation (sewers), trunk sewers and rural sanitation.

IDCG  is able to undertake the following types of wastewater project services:

  • Township and Rural Sanitation:
  • Reticulation developments, feasibility and route locations including upgrades and rehabilitations
  • Wastewater and Effluent Treatment Works:
  • Municipal Wastewater Treatment Works
  • Industrial Effluent Treatment Plants


Water projects undertaken range from feasibility studies and consulting services,

to engineering and project management of large water sector infrastructure projects.

The unit offers a wide range of engineering services delivered by experienced teams. These cover the full spectrum of water sector projects including water resource studies, hydrology and flood control, river abstraction, dams, water treatment, distribution, storage and pump stations. Projects cater for urban and rural water supply as well as large-scale

irrigation schemes.

IDCG can undertake the following types

of projects:

  • Water resources planning and studies
  • Hydrological studies and flood control
  • Flood protection works
  • Feasibility and planning studies
  • River abstraction works
  • Water treatment works
  • Bulk water pipelines
  • Reservoirs, towers and dams
  • Pump stations and river abstractions
  • Water reticulation networks
  • Upgrading and refurbishment of existing water infrastructure
  • Urban and rural water schemes
  • Non-revenue and water demand management
  • Hydraulic analysis of water distribution networks
  • Water hammer analysis of bulk water schemes
  • Water recycling infrastructure

Works Of Art, Underground And Geotechnics

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Structures, underground works and geotechnical engineering are areas of construction where risk control requires calling on the best specialists.

Geological studies and prescriptions and geotechnical, to the design and management of master pieces, of tunnels or dams, IDCG favors a global and multidisciplinary approach to the project in a constant optimization of its technical, economic and environmental performance.

Our numerous establishments in Africa and abroad guarantee an effective proximity with our customers and an understanding of local issues, particularly in the environmental field.

For 20 years, IDCG has been developing its know-how in all disciplines of geology, geotechnics and materials, in the fields of linear infrastructures and complex civil engineering and building works.

More than 30 specialists are involved in the following services:

  • Geology and hydrogeology
  • Design of structures
  • Soil / structure of earthworks
  • Earthworks geotechnics
  • Materials engineering and laboratory testing
  • Instrumentation of structures and sites
  • Pathology of structures
  • Natural hazards
  • Geophysics

IDCG’s expertise in soil and material mechanics is reinforced by its high-performance technical means in calculations (3D finite elements in soil and rock mechanics), from a laboratory accredited by ISO / IEC 17025: 2017 (E) for tests on soils, rocks, concrete, cements and pavement materials and on means of instrumentation and auscultation methods (sensors, static or dynamic measurements).

The reputation of IDCG’s Structures teams has grown over the years and benefits from the capitalization of significant experience (more than 100 m² of structures studied) and the involvement and motivation of its new generations (more than 30 experts).

IDCG is involved in all phases from design to operation of structures, with an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to projects (geotechnics, environment, structures, expertise, etc.). The group relies on teams of engineers and experts passionate about their profession and keen to serve its customers.

IDCG designs both current works and exceptional works.

The current structures are bridges of relatively modest size and of usual technicality which mainly fulfill functional objectives. Their large number has enabled IDCG to standardize their design and develop suitable and economical industrial processes.

Over the centuries, and particularly in the 19th and 20th centuries, the daring of achievements has often gone hand in hand with the mastery of new materials. From a purely utilitarian structure, the bridge is increasingly becoming a work of art and a work of architecture marking the environment and the landscape.

Yesterday like today, the IDCG teams have designed many structures that are the source of major innovations that have changed bridge design techniques.

IDCG works on all types and types of structures: reinforced concrete, prestressed, steel, composite, wooden or composite structures; girder bridges, box bridges, arch bridges, bridges with extradosed prestressing, cable-stayed or suspension bridges, movable bridges. Its missions focus on

  • The design and execution phases of new structures
  • Expertise, repairs and maintenance of existing structures
  • Tunnels and underground structures: IDCG among the world leaders
  • Safety in tunnels requires an increasingly complex “system” approach, with a very strong interaction between geology, civil engineering, equipment, ventilation, safety and operation.
  • Their design requires a great deal of experience in each of these specialties and an ability to manage, with a transversal approach, all the technical and temporal interfaces.
  • IDCG supports you for all your underground works projects (drilled tunnels, covered trenches, underground cavities), whether they are located in urban or rural areas, whether they are road, rail, metro, ‘sanitation, underground storage or underground parking lots.
  • The missions carried out by the IDCG teams cover issues of equipment, safety / operation, fire, renovation, and tunnel ventilation.

Why choose a general practitioner or a specialist when you can have both?

The Council by IDCG puts the diversity of its talents at the service of your projects, excellence in addition.

Our commitment is made of creativity to overcome all challenges and innovation to build together a bright future.

All the expertise in mobility and the sustainable city:


An ecosystem of specific and complementary skills to master with agility the major challenges of tomorrow.

Our 30 consultants are proud to support and bring to fruition unique projects that have meaning for them, for you, for everyone.

IDCG designs, supplies, integrates and puts into service equipment and turnkey operating systems for the optimized management of its infrastructures.

Thanks to its experience as an operator and the technical know-how of its engineering companies, IDCG designs tailor-made solutions optimized for each turnkey project by committing to the price, lead times and performance of systems.

Motorway operating equipment more particularly includes: toll, telecommunications, traffic management and user information equipment and systems, signaling, emergency call networks and tunnel equipment.

Airport equipment includes, in particular, security and access control equipment, information systems and airport baggage handling systems.

IDCG also offers turnkey solutions in the energy field: production of renewable energies, smart electricity grids, rural electrification and district heating networks.


IDCG, in its Vocational Training division, offers a wide range of vocational training delivered by highly qualified experts and trainers across Africa.

The training courses cover a large number of specialties such as project management, BIM (Build Information Modeling), value engineering, contract management services, human resources, sales & marketing management, IT as well as information and communication technologies.

Our offer of trainings and workshops on urban and rail transport

Our organizations work in partnership with prestigious universities and professional organizations in order to offer high-level training.

Our offer comes in 4 modules:

  • Expertise Training: training in a field of expertise, provided by our field experts, bringing together several entities with common issues.
  • IDCG Labs : co-construction sessions for new innovative services.
  • Tailored-made Training : tailor-made training and workshops, a program built with and for you, single or multi-themed.
  • Get Together Workshop : workshops and exchange sessions for participants with a common objective: project, partnership, technical cooperation.

IDCG Engineering Training 

Quality training across Africa

  • Since its creation in 1998, the organization has already successfully conducted more than 60 trainings and conferences with 300 professionals across Africa.
  • No less than 75 training programs are thus provided each year by highly qualified experts and trainers in more than twenty countries.
  • The courses, delivered within the training center or directly in a company, cover specialties as varied as project management, BIM (Build Information Modeling), value engineering, contract management services, human resources, sales & marketing management.
  • IDCG Engineering Training works in partnership with many universities and professional institutions in Africa.

Specialist in the continuing education of executives and agents

IDCG Formation is a specialist in the continuous training of executives and agents of the countries in which IDCG works.

Our training solutions

Inter trainings: training lasting from a few days to a month. At a high level, they are provided in IDCG centers in Swaziland for executives from English-speaking African countries.

Urban transport

IDCG, a unique know-how at the service of urban transport projects

IDCG brings together all the skills in the service of various modes of guided urban transport: heavy metro, light metro, high-capacity tram, economical tram for medium-sized cities, people mover, urban cable transport, etc.

IDCG has unique know-how for the development of transport systems: from design to construction, we work as an assembler for the realization of your urban transport projects.

Recognized skills in studies, civil engineering and systems, brought together in multidisciplinary teams that contribute to our added value.

For IDCG, each city is unique and has a different relationship to its transport. Our teams support your decision-making by offering you tailor-made solutions.

Urban transport is an important lever for Climate Plans and regional sustainable development projects. At-Beyond the public transport aspect, they encourage the requalification of major axes, the improvement of the quality of public spaces and soft modes, thus contributing to the revitalization of local shops.

This is why IDCG integrates eco-design at the heart of its projects, from the upstream phases.

IDCG has expertise in a wide range of urban transport : Bus Rapid Transit, vice (BHNS), Rails, Taxis Mini buses etc.

For all types of urban transport designed and implemented, we integrate all of our skills in the service of your projects from upstream, for the choice of the most suitable mode, until their completion. IDCG masters the different trades involved in your projects: systems, building through viaducts.

IDCG is developing numerous urban transport networks in project management and project management assistance by recommending suitable modes.

The city of tomorrow, as we conceive it, is a city that integrates the challenges of the triple demographic, energy-ecological and digital transition that the world is currently experiencing.

Through its size, its history, its multiple skills, IDCG provides its public and private clients with value-creating solutions up to this triple transition.

In developing and emerging countries, more than two billion additional inhabitants are expected in cities by 2050, with the aim of improving living conditions for all. In developed countries, the aging of the population is another major phenomenon of the 21st century which also impacts city life.  

The scarcity of natural resources, transport congestion and global warming are all phenomena that raise many challenges on an urban scale. The need to design, manage and renew sustainable and resilient cities that minimize carbon footprints and adapt to climate events is emerging at all latitudes.

Digital technologies and connected objects are giving rise to new services and new uses in cities. All stakeholders are concerned : residents, visitors, businesses, public services and private operators.

Our Approach

The city of tomorrow cannot be designed ex nihilo. Its engineering is based on the shared identification of its strengths and weaknesses, on an adapted and adaptable, integrated and reasonable design, and on an achievement that meets the ambitions and resources of our customers.

For each of your projects, we are committed to supporting you in an approach that is both tailor-made and multidisciplinary.

A design and construction techniques adapted to local specificities, whether environmental, financial, economic, social, cultural or regulatory.

We mobilize a team with a fair balance between local know-how and expertise and

International thanks to a judicious selection of our partners.

Thanks to generalist profiles, capable of integrating all dimensions of urban systems, and specialist profiles, which cover all disciplines contributing to the four pillars of sustainable development: economic, social, environmental and governance.

Our difference comes from our ability to use our skills in engineering, project set-up and operation to define urban projects including transport infrastructure and urban services.

Our key principles

Anchored in adapting to local issues and mobilizing good expertise, we design urban projects based on 5 key principles.

Optimizing the attractiveness of a project from three angles:

  • economic, to attract investors and businesses
  • social, to bring in new inhabitants, visitors, tourists, etc.
  • environmental, to develop biodiversity, ensure sustainability and limit negative impacts

Innovate in all components and all phases of the project:

  • project set-up: search for the best arrangements in terms of governance, risk and contractual strategy
  • design, construction and operation: use of design methods and innovative technical solutions (3D design, BIM, mobility models, energy models, participatory studies of the living environment, etc.), new mobility and sustainable energy services

In particular, new information and communication technologies are giving rise to new services and new uses in cities. All the actors are concerned: inhabitants, visitors, companies, public services and private operators… The developers of such solutions speak of smart city orsmart city.

Innovate in all components and all phases of the project:

  • project set-up: search for the best arrangements in terms of governance, risk and contractual strategy
  • design, construction and operation: use of design methods and innovative technical solutions (3D design, BIM, mobility models, energy models, participatory studies of the living environment, etc.), new mobility and sustainable energy services

In particular, new information and communication technologies are giving rise to new services and new uses in cities. All the actors are concerned: inhabitants, visitors, companies, public services and private operators… The developers of such solutions speak of smart city orsmart city.

Innovate in all components and all phases of the project:

  • project set-up: search for the best arrangements in terms of governance, risk and contractual strategy
  • design, construction and operation: use of design methods and innovative technical solutions (3D design, BIM, mobility models, energy models, participatory studies of the living environment, etc.), new mobility and sustainable energy services

In particular, new information and communication technologies are giving rise to new services and new uses in cities. All the actors are concerned: inhabitants, visitors, companies, public services and private operators… The developers of such solutions speak of smart city orsmart city.

Minimize the carbon footprint of the project and its impact on the environment in general. Following the paris agreement during COP21, the objective of limiting the increase in temperatures to 2 ° C and ensuring, at the level of states, “net zero emissions” by 2050, implies immediately including mechanisms reduction or compensation of emissions during the design of our projects. More generally, evaluating the cost / benefit impact of solutions limiting GHG emissions and the consumption of resources or space is at the heart of our approach to urban projects.

IDCG emissions, the consumption of resources or space, is at the heart of our approach to urban projects.

IDCG is present across the entire value chain and offers coverage of urban projects from upstream to operation.

In the most decisive phases, our clients (cities, public and private investors, international donors, etc.) need to surround themselves with experts, in technical and economic as well as legal fields, to carry out their projects. urban according to the needs they express.

We help them formulate these needs and support them throughout the life cycle of their projects, from the upstream phases to the project management phases, including structuring and operational set-up, and for certain projects, up to the operating phase.

In an approach of innovation and sustainable management of cities, IDCG supports its clients in the definition and implementation of regional development strategies as well as the definition of a portfolio of projects for an operational variation of strategic studies.

IDCG helps them in defining their investment priorities, in setting up the institutional and regulatory framework and in building their capacities.

IDCG develops city projects adapted to the project context and integrating the best practices acquired from its multiple experiences in Africa, Europe and the world.

IDCG supports the operational assembly of attractive project files for funders, authorities and public partners, but also for private investors, with the help of feasibility studies and graphic supports, studies of contractual, financial or regulatory arrangement .

In the implementation of public-private partnerships, IDCG provides complete assistance in setting up partnerships and offers solutions for the control and coherent sharing of risks.

IDCG knows how to integrate contractual and financial assembly techniques with technical expertise in all urban areas to guarantee project performance and proper consideration of implementation risks (site, structural, organizational, financial constraints and technical) over its entire duration, including during the operational phase. 

IDCG provides the project with integrated expertise in urban design and engineering (final pre-project studies, project studies and execution studies).

It offers private investors and public contractors project management integrating all the multidisciplinarity of complex projects in the study and construction phase.

IDCG offers an approach adapted to the social, cultural, environmental and economic context. Through a shared project timeframe, our main concern is turned towards ways of life and of living (genius of the place, integration of social dimensions, lifestyles of users, notions of mixed use and commercial).

Our extensive experience in complex projects allows us to assist the client in securing projects on time and on budget.

DCG places its operating skills at the service of cities and major urban contractors to provide a set of services aimed at city issues.

Its vast experience in the design of the city and its systems allows IDCG to offer project owners innovative operating solutions adapted to current urban challenges: electromobility, parking management, smart payment, intelligent travel management in rush hour, operation of urban highways, etc …

In the field of the city, IDCG has a growing experience in operating services and innovative mobility services.

Learn more about the operation and user services

Water resources and wastewater management

  1. Water resources and supply
  2. Wastewater management
  3. Dams
  4. Treatment of industrial effluents
  5. Irrigation
  6. Drainage

Urban development

  1. Housing estates and townships
  2. Site and service diagrams
  3. Markets
  4. Infrastructure works